A host of VIPs visited the hill temple of Lord Venkateswara on Sunday. Among those who visited Tirumala include TDP MLC(Guntur) Annam Satish Prabhakar, AP Forest Minister Sidda Raghavarao and Chittoor District excise commissioner NVS Prasad. Raghavarao and his family members offered prayers to Lord Venkateswara at the Tirumala temple during the VIP break darshan. After prayers, the temple preists presented laddu prasadam, holy water to them at Ranganayakula Mandapam.
Speaking to mediapersons, Raghavarao said that AP Government will soon announce an employment notification to fill 1000 vacancies in the forest department. He invited all to visit Tirumala during the Brahmotsavams and make the event a grand success. Raghavarao praised TTD administration for the arrangements.