Mahasamprokshanam performed today at Sri Varahaswamy Temple in Tirumala morning from 11.07 am to 1.16 o’clock.
Mahapoornahuti will be held from 10 am to 11 pm on Saturday. After that, the power of the goddess in the yagavasana as part of the Maha Pravasam are made into the Bimbam (statue). With this Vedic event, Sri Varahaswamy, Sri Vishwaksene, Sri Ramanujacharyas, and Sri Anjaneyaswamy idols at Pushkarani will be resurrected. Special offerings and offerings are offered on this occasion. The axis will be made. After 3 pm, devotees are allowed to visit the devotees. From 7.00 am to 9.00 pm, Sri Varahaswamy will took celestial ride in four mada streets.